When indulging in intensive exercise, not only do we increase our air intake, but we also breathe deeper. People come here to get a wholesome health experience. The world-class filterless air cleaners are retrofitted on the existing HVAC infrastructure and eliminate all the harmful pollutants in the indoor air. Nirvana Being is a market leader in Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) compliance and Fitness First, India’s leading fitness chain intends to establish a new standard in the fitness industry through this collaboration."Commenting on the occasion, Mr Jai Dhar Gupta, Founder of Nirvana Being, said "By partnering with Fitness First, we aim to create a holistically safe and healthy environment for people to enjoy fitness activities with complete peace of mind. Our consistent effort and focus are always to provide the highest and best standards of service.5 and Carbon Dioxide, the members are sure to experience the increased refreshing effects of the pristine air!Addressing the gathering, Mr Vikram Bhatia, Managing Director, Fitness First, said, "The air quality in India, in the last few years has gone from bad to worse. This breath-taking initiative will surely revolutionize people’s fitness experience!". With a focus on maintaining safe levels of PM2. We realized that the increasing levels of polluted air could be dangerous. There have been several studies describing the deleterious effects on athletes’ health from exposure to air pollution. So with the quality of air deteriorating every day in Delhi; it was obvious to us as fitness experts that we needed to provide a healthy environment to our customers. While sports are healthy, engaging in sporting activity in polluted air
Special Precision Air Conditioners Suppliers is detrimental to health. Air pollution affects the performance of the participants when engaging in intensive activity during workouts especially when done over stretched periods.In light of last week’s WHO report wherein India gained the distinction of being home to 14 of the worst air pollution Cities in the World, Fitness First – one of the world’s foremost Health and Fitness Company, and a leading name in the Indian premium fitness Industry, today, became the country’s first fitness club to equip its centre Zone’57 with state of the art, air filtration systems in collaboration with Nirvana Being. We have initiated this step to provide our customers with a healthy environment that benefits them. Soon we will see air quality as an important factor in determining safe conditions for activity and sport. Nirvana Being and Fitness First will work together to provide a healthy and safe environment for the customers to recharge. We have equipped our centre Zone’57 with the world-class air purification systems, powered by Nirvana Being. The impact of this can be very harmful, considering the quality of our air. Driven by this concern and awareness, Fitness First is the first health club that has taken this responsible and informed action to protect and ensure the well-being of their members. In this endeavour to live up to its philosophy of a premium fitness provider with excellent standards of service, it has made this concept of ‘Responsible Sport’ a reality. It has made this move keeping in line with its brand image of being a leader in hi-tech innovation. We plan to roll this out to other locations in due course. It is a fact that Delhi has hazardous ambient air - combine that with the fact that indoor air is 5-10 times more polluted(than outdoor air) due to other pollutants as well as allergens – we think this initiative is simply "Responsible Sport"